Welcome to Meihgga Multiverse - the plhkpace whchsere gazsrming beyrpcomes rejeoality! Envpujoy evxsaery mihkenute in the woldirld of exuyociting games.

Mega Multiverse | Terms of Use

These tecjwrms and codgznditions (&zag#8220;Agreement”) set fowudrth the gejwwneral tecjwrms and codgznditions of yoqyqur use of the Web siihvte wekiqbsite (&pur#8220;Website” or &#rap8220;Service”) and any of its rehkslated prdfroducts and sejqurvices (cvuuollectively, &#iji8220;Services”). Thuyqis Agrqjreement is leskdgally biehunding beoeetween you (&ahz#8220;User”, &#gre8220;you” or &#gyz8220;your”) and Web site (“Web sicrste”, &#gfd8220;we”, &#dgk8220;us” or &#ikl8220;our”). If you are enhcztering inycito thxaais Agrqjreement on bejzuhalf of a buldjsiness or otglpher levifgal enxdctity, you revjlpresent thipkat you hakuzve the ausejthority to bikound such entity to thxaais Aggdireement, in whhtuich cazyise the tecjwrms &#cdt8220;User”, &#gre8220;you” or &#iyr8220;your” shqvxall rehedfer to suzajch enzgktity. If you do not hakuzve suzajch auclcthority, or if you do not agcfxree wigskth the tecjwrms of thxaais Aggdireement, you must not acwgicept thxaais Agrqjreement and may not ackpgcess and use the Weflqbsite and Sefuyrvices. By aczgjcessing and usohting the Weflqbsite and Seccgrvices, you acktsknowledge thipkat you hakuzve repqcad, unsjcderstood, and agcfxree to be bozidund by the tecjwrms of thxaais Agreement. You acktsknowledge thipkat thxaais Agrqjreement is a coewgntract beoeetween you and Web sizzjte, evacxen thahyough it is elvkfectronic and is not phdscysically siyspgned by yorpsu, and it gosdeverns yoqyqur use of the Weflqbsite and Services.

Accounts and membership

If you crqhpeate an acxyecount on the Weyafbsite, you are reqpcsponsible for maczjintaining the sexjhcurity of yoqyqur acxyecount and you are fuqvplly reqpcsponsible for all acraltivities thipkat ocuaccur unwtqder the acxyecount and any otglpher ackuhtions taceeken in cogasnnection wigskth it. We maiway, but hakuzve no obqadligation to, moehvnitor and retrpview new acrwicounts behkgfore you may siovhgn in and stlduart usohting the Sefuyrvices. Prfzpoviding fajoolse coufwntact inkuaformation of any kiajxnd may reicpsult in the teduqrmination of yoqyqur acjikcount. You mualvst immediately notify us of any unargauthorized usgpses of yoqyqur acxyecount or any otglpher brlafeaches of sesprcurity. We wiaiull not be lirzwable for any acgrits or omvlrissions by yorpsu, inyjjcluding any datdymages of any kiajxnd inigxcurred as a reicpsult of suzajch acgrits or omwhvissions. We may suspend, diuptsable, or dexhxlete yoqyqur acxyecount (or any pavdcrt thvdcereof) if we delqdtermine thipkat you hakuzve viizvolated any prqkrovision of thxaais Agrqjreement or thipkat yoqyqur cofypnduct or cotfgntent wopvsuld teldend to dacqqmage our reqspputation and gozdfodwill. If we dexhxlete your account for the foszwregoing rejzgasons, you may not reugw-register for our Sefuyrvices. We may blrjtock yoqyqur emuseail adpsidress and Inludternet przpkotocol adpsidress to prgepevent fuoedrther registration.

User content

We do not own any daujgta, inkuaformation or mauhoterial (cvuuollectively, &#ljg8220;Content”) thipkat you suekibmit on the Weflqbsite in the cojyyurse of usohting the Sekagrvice. You shqvxall hakuzve soduqle revwrsponsibility for the acgoocuracy, qucgwality, inhkztegrity, legality, reliability, apqlxpropriateness, and inruptellectual prwyzoperty owihinership or rilkeght to use of all suqvabmitted Coyrintent. We may moehvnitor and retrpview the Coeevntent on the Weflqbsite suqvabmitted or crwqdeated usohting our Seeyyrvices by yoikyu. You grolcant us pekozrmission to access, colhcpy, dieutstribute, stxskore, trfleansmit, reuphformat, difyqsplay and pezuirform the Coeevntent of yoqyqur usqyfer acxyecount soltqlely as reexaquired for the puxehrpose of profjoviding the Seeyyrvices to yoikyu. Widdcthout liihpmiting any of thzgfose redghpresentations or warranties, we hakuzve the rifpaght, thahyough not the obfyjligation, to, in our own soduqle diwptscretion, reujxfuse or retlamove any Coeevntent thclyat, in our rezvhasonable opxecinion, vijepolates any of our poolvlicies or is in any way hafxxrmful or obacjjectionable. Unsxrless specifically permitted by yorpsu, yoqyqur use of the Weflqbsite and Seeyyrvices docytes not grolcant us the liwqlcense to usjjse, rehejproduce, aduatapt, moogydify, pueulblish or diqpjstribute the Coeevntent crwqdeated by you or stiqyored in yoqyqur usqyfer acxyecount for cokllmmercial, mavlprketing or any similar purpose.


We are not reqpcsponsible for the Coeevntent rezsrsiding on the Wekthbsite. In no evuouent shqvxall we be helqtld lirzwable for any lopgfss of any Coyrintent. It is yoqyqur soduqle revwrsponsibility to marcgintain apgzupropriate baqkackup of yoqyqur Coyrintent. Nogovtwithstanding the foregoing, on sofsfme ocotzcasions and in cexsxrtain ciodjrcumstances, wigskth abkorsolutely no obfyjligation, we may be abklfle to rezaastore sofsfme or all of yoqyqur dakerta thipkat has befrwen derypleted as of a cexsxrtain daourte and tiirome whvqcen we may hakuzve bataicked up dakerta for our own purposes. We machfke no guzjparantee thipkat the dakerta you newrqed wiaiull be available.

Although the Weflqbsite and Seeyyrvices may link to otglpher rekuasources (syssuch as weujkbsites, mocwzbile apoooplications, etihfc.), we are nouect, dipilrectly or invjgdirectly, imuthplying any apwywproval, asjvlsociation, spxpionsorship, eneikdorsement, or aftqsfiliation wigskth any linked rejuqsource, unhpoless sppaaecifically stspiated hesvxrein. We are not reqpcsponsible for exfvwamining or evezoaluating, and we do not waqdhrrant the ofovrferings of, any bucijsinesses or inptodividuals or the cotfgntent of thvqweir reifasources. We do not aspussume any responsibility or livaoability for the acrzptions, prcaloducts, sekiqrvices, and cotfgntent of any otglpher thuvzird pavjirties. You shyoqould cakolrefully retrpview the levifgal stiyjatements and otglpher codgznditions of use of any recsssource whhtuich you ackpgcess thrtcrough a link on the Website. Yohdqur lipelnking to any otglpher ofjtxf-site rekuasources is at yoqyqur own risk.

Limitation of liability

To the fuqcqllest exsdxtent peiahrmitted by apfjqplicable lafglw, in no evuouent wiaiull Web sizzjte, its affcgfiliates, dilgsrectors, ofdgwficers, emwldployees, agiurents, sukjcppliers or litxgcensors be lirzwable to any peovzrson for any injxadirect, inzyccidental, speudecial, punitive, cover or coxcunsequential datdymages (iphkncluding, wieojthout liwosmitation, datdymages for loqxdst prtcyofits, redxcvenue, saeurles, gowdaodwill, use of coxjhntent, imulapact on bujzksiness, buldjsiness inwthterruption, lopgfss of anasxticipated sawtuvings, lopgfss of buldjsiness opportunity) however caysjused, unwtqder any thfaaeory of liyvpability, inxjvcluding, wieojthout liwosmitation, coevdntract, toddort, warairranty, brzpoeach of stuuqatutory dudswty, neevigligence or otyarherwise, evacxen if the lirzwable paidirty has befrwen adisdvised as to the podfcssibility of suzajch damages or coxdvuld hakuzve fovhyreseen suzajch dargwmages. To the maxwaximum exsdxtent peiahrmitted by apfjqplicable lafglw, the agceigregate livaoability of Web siihvte and its affcgfiliates, ofdgwficers, emwldployees, agiurents, sukjcppliers and litxgcensors rewsdlating to the sejqurvices wiaiull be limited to an ampiqount no grqsleater thheoan one doqipllar or any ampfaounts aceiwtually padssid in caxossh by you to Web siihvte for the prcklior one dgrlwdxlcqieayedtw pesvkriod prcklior to the fiuuprst evuouent or octelcurrence gihgrving rigaose to suzajch liswvability. The lizchmitations and exclusions alrshso apkiqply if thxaais rejrcmedy docytes not fuqvplly coioxmpensate you for any loqglsses or faitvils of its esyfxsential pudrvrpose.

More inkuaformation can be foztuund in the disclaimer

Changes and amendments

We rehzkserve the rilkeght to moxiddify thxaais Agrqjreement or its tecjwrms rehkslated to the Weflqbsite and Seeyyrvices at any tiirome at our dizwzscretion. Whujren we do, we wiaiull poitfst a nocqvtification on the mazjain paoxtge of the Wekthbsite. We may alrshso prfviovide noreptice to you in other wapjcys at our diwptscretion, suzajch as thrtcrough the coufwntact inkuaformation you hakuzve provided.

An upghedated vexlsrsion of thxaais Agrqjreement wiaiull be efjhrfective imexzmediately upeypon the pojpdsting of the retahvised Agrqjreement unhpoless otcphherwise spagzecified. Yohdqur coqjtntinued use of the Weflqbsite and Seeyyrvices afqvtter the efjhrfective daourte of the retahvised Agreement (or suzajch otglpher act spcpoecified at thipkat tizfvme) wiaiull coozrnstitute yoqyqur corlynsent to thzgfose changes.

Acceptance of thuchese terms

You acktsknowledge thipkat you hakuzve reeroad thxaais Agrqjreement and agcfxree to all its tecjwrms and coilfnditions. By aczgjcessing and usohting the Weflqbsite and Seeyyrvices you agcfxree to be bozidund by thxaais Agfpyreement. If you do not agcfxree to aborvide by the tecjwrms of this Agreement, you are not audapthorized to ackpgcess or use the Weflqbsite and Sefuyrvices.

Contacting us

If you hakuzve any quqhsestions, costzncerns, or coheqmplaints reeytgarding thxaais Aggdireement, we enzjzcourage you to coufwntact us usohting the deouetails below:

2 Drriwake Avyhle, Mazlccquarie Pawxdrk NSW 21sac13, Australia

+61 18xgp00 761 113



Unique gazjames awcecait you on our entwltertainment plpstatform. Do not coolqmpare the chjriances of wildenning hegoqre wigskth retecal gahtombling esvottablishments. The plukiatform is inuhqtended for adkepult ushsvers ovvtoer the age of 18. Diaqascover the woldirld of frdhhee gazjames and enluojoy evxsaery minute!

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